
Sahasarara Chakra

At the crown of your head is where you receive the inspiration to venture beyond self-defined limitations.  Focusing breathing exercises on this chakra helps you to develop a connection with the divine and enhance your sense of wonder. 

Ajna Chakra

At the center of your forehead is the seat of intuition and imagination.  Focusing breathing exercises on this chakra enhances your understanding and wisdom and can help you to develop a purpose in life. 

Vishuddha Chakra

You can find this chakra at your throat.  It is associated with the element of space, or ether, and your sense of hearing.  It is your energetic center of communication.  Focusing breathing exercises on this chakra brings about calmness and enhances communication skills.

Anahata Chakra

This chakra is around your heart.  It is associated with the air element and your sense of love and touch.  Focusing breathing exercises on this chakra helps you to develop compassion and love.  

Manipura Chakra

You will find this chakra around your solar plexus.  It is associated with the element of fire and your sense of sight.  It is your body's power center and the site of your digestive fire.  Focusing breathing exercises on this chakra helps you to harness willpower and realize your ambitions.

Swadhisthana Chakra

This chakra is located around your lower abdomen.  It is associated with the water element and your sense of taste.  This chakra embodies creative energy and is the seat of your sexuality, plans, and desire.  Focusing breathing exercises on this chakra helps you to go with the flow and taste all that life has to offer you. 

Muladhara Chakra

You can find this chakra at the base of your spine.   It is associated with the earth element and your sense of smell.  This is the seat of a vast potential energy known as kundalini, said to be lying dormant, waiting to be awakened.  Focusing breathing exercises on this chakra can help you to put down roots and develop steadiness of mind.

Source: The Art of Breathing Well for Harmony, Happiness, and Health by Swami Saradananda